This article was published on the GPS TRACKLOG WEBSITE in December, 2012. It has some interesting and useful information if…
Regardless of the technology being used, the accuracy of a fix taken at a particular time and location on the…
When working in open country, connecting to a Satellite-Based Augmentation System can tighten up the native accuracy of recreation-grade GPS…
the “built-in” accuracy of the GPS is roughly 15 meters. The principle of “differential correction” is often used to improve…
This article from the US Department of Agriculture’s Extension System provides a nice summary of the three main flavors of…
In January of 2019, we worked on a vegetation mapping project with Bobbie Webster and Oday Jeewan. CHECK IT OUT
This Otter Geospatial RefDocs article follows a project from data collection in the field to creation of an XY table…
It’s April 19, 2018 and I just finished reading Dave Jowett’s obituary. The excerpt at right really struck a chord…
This op-ed by Western University’s David Bentley presents words of wisdom from the Middle Ages down to the present. Each…
This article from a Richmond, VA newspaper describes civil rights attorney Oliver Hill’s take on the subject of differences among…