FSGeodata is a data distribution website hosted by the US Forest Service. It functions primarily as a download portal for…
EarthExplorer, a data distribution website hosted by the US Geological Survey (USGS), appears to be a rich source of data from…
The Conservation GIS Data website provides FTP access to The Nature Conservancy’s core global spatial data. Download portal URL: http://maps.tnc.org/gis_data.html Many…
The Canada Open Data website is an update of the old Geogratis program. It provides download and/or viewing access to…
The Open Data website provides FTP access to an extensive library of statewide datasets. Download portal URL: http://gis-michigan.opendata.arcgis.com/ Many of…
The Public FTP site is another source of downloadable data. As of late 2017, this site is being phased out…
The site provides FTP access to selected spatial data from a variety of programs and categories. Available datasets include: Water •…
Available datasets include: Orthophotos from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Four-band geotiff version of NAIP orthophotos Landsat imagery LiDAR-derived…
Available datasets include: Parcel boundaries and landowner info Land use, zoning, etc Download portal URL: http://data-ocgis.opendata.arcgis.com/ The site also makes…
Available datasets include: Orthophotos from various years Digital elevation models Parcel boundaries and landowner info Many others Download portal URL:…